Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A long time and a lot of new things!

It's been almost two weeks since I last posted and a lot has happened (which is why I haven't found the time to post).

1. Rachel and I won hats for having raised $1000 each by June 29th! So many people have been so generous! Thank you all, so much! I've received a few more checks in the mail that have not been posted on my account yet, but I'm now a little past $2000 of the $2600 I promised to raise. I only have $600 left to go! I've been very touched by the gifts, notes, and encouragement you have all sent me. This endeavor means a lot to me. It is providing an outlet for my fear and anger about Mary Crist's cancer. It is helping me get healthy--my clothes are fitting so much better, my knees no longer hurt, my energy is higher, and I can climb the stairs at work and home with ease. Plus, it has helped me get back in touch with many, many people.

2. For my birthday, my dad paid for my bike to get a tune-up and new tires. It's a mountain bike, but it's no problem to change the tires to slicks for the race. Instead of traditional slicks, which pop easily, requiring tube replacements in the middle of riding, I went with the police bike tires. They're just as fast (for my purposes--I'm sure Lance Armstrong wouldn't get them) an they are much more durable. Plus, they are the same price. Thanks, Dad!

3. I bought a new car! This process was very time consuming and irritating--most of the car dealers I met really were slimy. But, I finally found a great car. It's an Eucalyptus Green '97 Accord Station Wagon. Hooray! I learned a lot about used car buying through experience and consumer reports. I'll post a top ten lessons I learned in another post once I take a picture of my new car. And, Allstate had the best service and the best rates for a good full coverage policy. Hooray!

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